What’s This Research About?

When it comes to the physical practice of yoga, you might have heard it requires large ranges of motion (ROM) throughout your body’s main joints. Whether your aim with yoga is flexibility or not, one could benefit from knowing more about this topic. Life requires you to move your arms, legs, and spine – so that they’re fully functional for things you like to do. This is one reason to know more about how to maintain or improve the ROM your life demands.

It is hypothesized that (optimal) flexibility has an effect on health and/or fitness. However, this relationship is still quite unclear. What is of importance is that if you want to maintain or improve your flexibility in terms of ROM it is useful to know which technique is most effective, how often and for how long you should practice that technique. This review intends to answer those questions.

The authors had two aims with this paper:

1) investigating long-term stretching interventions’ effect on ROM

2) the relationship between changes in ROM and stretching techniques as well as frequency and duration.

About The Author


Sara Hoy

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