What’s This Research About?
Previous research suggests that implementing the Nordic hamstring exercise in athletes’ training regimens reduces the rate of hamstring injuries. This literature review aims to determine the generalizability of using the Nordic hamstring exercise for injury prevention by assessing the quality of the current research.

TITLE: Including the Nordic hamstring exercise in injury prevention programmes halves the rate of hamstring injuries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 8459 athletes
PUBLICATION: British Journal of Sports Medicine
DATE: 2019
AUTHORS: Nicol van Dyk, Fearghal P Behan, Rod Whiteley
Hamstrings: Refers to a group of three muscles located behind the femur: the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus
Hamstring attachment points: The ischial tuberosity on the pelvis, the lateral lip of the femur, the lateral aspect of the fibula, and the medial portion of the tibia
Concentric contraction of hamstrings: Applying force to strengthen the hamstrings as they shorten hip extension and knee flexion
Eccentric contraction of hamstrings: Applying force to strengthen the hamstrings as they lengthen
Hamstring injuries are the most common muscle injuries across a range of different sports.
Nordic hamstring exercise: An exercise that strengthens the hamstrings as the knees extend. It’s performed by beginning in a tall kneeling position with the ankles hooked under something secure. Maintaining a straight line from the head to the knees, lean forward at the knees. When you can no longer lean forward, let yourself fall softly towards the floor, catching yourself with your hands. Come back up into a tall kneeling position and repeat.