What’s This Research About?

Musculoskeletal pain (MP) and musculoskeletal disorders are highly prevalent and costly on a global scale, with back pain and neck pain being two of the most pervasive kinds of MP. It’s been estimated that 25% of the population in the United Kingdom alone, develops chronic MP.

Previously, most physiotherapy has focused on rehabbing patients by using therapeutic exercises that don’t push into pain. But there has not been a concerted effort in the research to see if avoiding pain at all costs is the most effective method of treatment. It has been shown that pain is multi-faceted and not always connected to tissue damage. It is for this reason that physiotherapists have postulated that allowing for a small amount of pain during exercise, and reframing thoughts on pain (“hurt does not equal harm”) might be beneficial.

This study reviewed the research of therapy programs utilizing load and resistance with a temporary amount of pain compared to studies with non-painful exercises.

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