What’s This Research About?

The prone plank is often used to improve core strength, stability, and endurance. Previous research has shown the prone plank activates a variety of core muscles, including the internal oblique, rectus abdominis, external oblique, and the erector spinae. To correctly perform the prone plank requires keeping the spine and the pelvis in a neutral position while maintaining the natural curvature of the spine.

Research also shows a posterior pelvic tilt in the prone plank position increases activation of the core musculature. In a prone plank position, the scapulohumeral joint tends to abduct and protract. Changing the scapula position in a prone plank could alter the angles of the trunk, changing the EMG response of core musculature. By using different combinations of pelvic position and scapular position during the prone plank exercise, this research aims to evaluate the influence of scapula position on EMG activity of the core muscles.

About The Author


Jenn Pilotti

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