What’s This Research About?

This study compares the effects of Hatha yoga and stretching on physical outcomes, quality of life, and motor function in people with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease (PD).

People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) often use complementary therapies (CT) in addition to medication to ease their symptoms. Yoga has been shown to benefit both physical and mental health in PD patients, though more research is needed. Physical exercise, another CT, is well-studied, especially aerobic and resistance exercises, and alternatives like dancing and Pilates. However, there is limited research on the effects of stretching.

More research is needed to compare the effects of stretching on PD patients with other therapies. Only one previous study compared yoga and stretching in PD patients, focusing on symptoms and mental health. This randomized controlled trial compares the effects of yoga and stretching on motor function, physical outcomes, and quality of life in people with PD.

  • 23 Parkinson’s patients participated: 11 in the stretching group and 12 in the Hatha yoga group.
  • Measurements taken: motor function, quality of life, functional autonomy, flexibility, lower body strength, walking speed, and balance (stabilometric test).
  • Stretching improved motor function, upper-limb flexibility, and lower-limb strength significantly.
  • Both groups saw improvements in functional autonomy and walking speed.
  • Stretching showed better results for functional autonomy and walking speed.
  • No significant differences in balance between the two groups

Stretch or yoga class

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